Gravel Origin Story | Gravel

Gravel Origin Story

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We're Gravel - We’re passionate about designing travel products that become trusty companions. Why the name Gravel? You know that sound when your tires leave the pavement for a dirt road? That's where the adventure begins, that's Gravel.

Dirt roads have led us to some our favorite places in the world - hot springs, mountain trails, and beautiful scenic routes. To us, Gravel is the means to take us somewhere amazing.

Where did it all begin?

I (Chris) had been using a toiletry bag for 10 YEARS that his grandmother gave him. It was falling apart and I started looking around for a new toiletry bag. With no luck and finding that the toiletry bags he found were just one giant pocket (where your toothbrush rubs up against your toenail clippers), I though it would be cool to make my own version. I met Lance at a Kickstarter party in Utah, USA and shared my idea for a new way to carry toiletries while traveling.

The problem we saw was that many travelers were packing their toiletries into ziplock bags, giant “catch all” bags, and sometimes foregoing a toiletry bag all together. "Why should your toothbrush rub up against your toenail clippers" we thought. After many late nights researching & designing we launched “The Best Toiletry Bag For Traveling” on Kickstarter in spring 2017 - making an organized, compact, & easier way to travel light. We successfully funded at $217,264!

We learned a lot from out backers and released "The Best Toiletry Bag For Travel The Explorer PLUS" on Kickstarter.

Goodness date we've raised raised over $1.4 million in crowdfunding between Kickstarter & Indiegogo. Gravel has now shipped thousands of our bags to countries all over the world. We’re blown away and humbled. Our backers brought Gravel to life.

How did Gravel begin? How did they launch their toiletry bag? Chris and Lance are the founders of Gravel. They launched on Kickstarter and were able to launch their business.

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